Judge W. Hunter Nowell
serve as Circuit Court Judge of the Eleventh Circuit Court District,
which is comprised of Bolivar, Coahoma, Quitman and Tunica Counties
serve as Circuit Court Judge of the Eleventh Circuit Court District,
which is comprised of Bolivar, Coahoma, Quitman and Tunica Counties
Court Administrator
Courtney Flore
P.O. Box 478
Cleveland, MS. 38732
Fax: 662-846-2930
email: cflore@co.bolivar.ms.us
P.O. Box 478
Cleveland, MS. 38732
Fax: 662-846-2930
email: cflore@co.bolivar.ms.us
email: courtneyflore@yahoo.com
website: www.ms11thcircuit.com
Law Clerk
J. Landon Phillips
P.O. Box 478
Cleveland, MS 38732
Phone: 662-843-3346
Fax: 662-846-2930
P.O. Box 478
Cleveland, MS 38732
Phone: 662-843-3346
Fax: 662-846-2930
Court Reporter
Courtney Taylor
P.O. Box 384
Cleveland, MS 38732
Phone: 662-843-3346
Fax: 662-846-2930
P.O. Box 384
Cleveland, MS 38732
Phone: 662-843-3346
Fax: 662-846-2930
11th Circuit Drug Court
Angie Kent
Drug Court Coordinator
P.O. Box 478
Cleveland, MS 38732
Phone: 662-846-2944
Fax: 662-846-2930
Angie Kent
Drug Court Coordinator
P.O. Box 478
Cleveland, MS 38732
Phone: 662-846-2944
Fax: 662-846-2930
Case Manager
P.O. Box 478
Cleveland, MS 38732
Phone: 662-846-2944
Fax: 662-846-2930